5. 保罗·西格纳克(Paul Signac)的《在和谐的时代海上周日的生活乐趣》(the Joy of Life Sunday by the Sea) 高清作品[91%]

In the Time of Harmony; The Joy of Life<em>Sunday</em>-

图片文件尺寸 : 2401 x 1792px

保罗·西格纳克(Paul Signac)的《在和谐的时代海上周日的生活乐趣》(the Joy of Life Sunday by the Sea)-the Sea by Paul Signac

In the Time of Harmony; The Joy of LifeSunday--Paul Signac (法国, 1863-1935)

下载保罗·西格纳克(Paul Signac)的《在和谐的时代海上周日的生活乐趣》(the Joy of Life Sunday by the Sea)大图

13. 10月27日,星期日,1918年,夏令时结束,将时钟拨回10月27号星期日凌晨2点一小时 高清作品[81%]

Saving daylight ends, for 1918, <em>Sunday</em>, Oct. 27th Set your clock back one hour at 2 A.M. <em>Sunday</em> October 27th.-

图片文件尺寸 : 2241 x 4100px


Saving daylight ends, for 1918, Sunday, Oct. 27th Set your clock back one hour at 2 A.M. Sunday October 27th.--Anonymous
